After the bug show we decide to ride the big ride Dinosaur. It will be the ride that determines the rest of Carter's Walt Disney World future! Will he be tall enough? Is he 40 Disney inches? On our way there we see that our friends from the 100 Acre Woods are out. We stop by and meet them.
After our visit with Pooh and his friends we head over to Dinosaur....height requirement 40 inches!!!.
This is the first ride that we attempt with the super shoes. We make a quick switch of shoes. No people, we did not make poor Carter wear the height "booster" shoes the whole time. We had his shoes and the super shoes and would switch them out for the big rides. Here is the test does he make it or not......
Cast member: Come here little boy let me measure you.
Carter: Alright
Mom: Following right behind
Cast Member: Stand right here
Mom: Come on Carter stand up really straight (I position his feet right behind the stake, and grab his head and pull up and back against the board)
Carter: Ouch
Cast Member: Alright you are tall enough.
Mom: Yes
Dad: Yes
Bryson: Good Job Carter
After the ride
Mom: Carter did you like that ride?
Carter: I didn't like that ride!
Mom: You want to do it again?
Carter: No
Now on to who got kicked out of the Nemo show. Well, all I can say is that it wasn't us. This is one of those stories that happens to other people. You know, the kind were you are in a stadium or a concert or some other event that has a lot of people and all of the sudden you hear or see a comotion and someone being escorted out. My family as in me, Joe, Bryson and Carter were targeted by an abnoxious woman. I will start at the begining.
After our Dinosaur ride we thought we would catch the Nemo show. We headed over to that area and it was packed already. We stood in line until they said that the staduim was filled for that show and we would have to wait for the next one. The next show was in an hour and a half. That's 90 minutes, we thought do we really want to watch it. We knew it would be great, we had watched the Aladin show at Disneyland and the shows are usually awesome. It was about lunch time so I told Joe that I would wait in line with Carter he could take Bryson to get lunch and then bring us back something. Worked great. Once they got back it was almost time to start seating people in the stadium. They allow people into the stadiums about 45 minutes prior to the show. We were the first in line and the first into the stadium. I spotted some great seats and we all plop down. We were about 6 rows up and we were seated against the wall of the middle stage. We can see the front stage and be touching the wall of the middle stage where they walk. Like I said they were perfect and what more could I ask for, I mean we were the first ones in.
After sitting there for about 25 minutes this woman was walking down our isle. Now by this time the stadium is almost full. The bottom half where we were was full. There were 8 people on our row. We weren't packed in like sardines we all fit comfortable. Back to the woman. Let me describe her a bit. She was probably about 5'7 and 320 pounds. She smelt like she hadn't showered in a month. I would expect her to smell that way around 4 in the afternoon on a 99 degree 100% humidity July day, but not at noon in the 70s in December. It was bad. I looked over at Joe and he immediately put his hand up to his nose. Bryson says "Whats that smell?" The only thing going for her that would remotely make me feel sorry for her is that she was carrying a cane. I think she might have been partially blind. I also think that she uses that to her advantage. I think this way because this is how the event went down and her finally being thrown out.
I turn to my left to see the woman coming down our isle. At this point I have no idea what she is doing because obviously there is no room for her on our bench. She says to me "Scoot over I want to sit there." I probably looking puzzled said "No my son is sitting there." She wanted to sit right up against the wall of the stage. She said "The usher said I could sit there" Once again I say "Um sorry you are not sitting here that is where my son is sitting." With each phrase she said she is getting louder and louder. I am staring to get a bit more embarrassed as is Joe. All the sudden she throws her arms up in the air and says really loud "Excuse me, excuse me can I get some help down here." I am thinking to myself "Oh Shit, are you kidding me!!" I contemplate moving over but then I think "NO, she didn't even say please." She just marched down here picked the seat she wanted and then expected us to accommodate her. At this point I have made up my mind I am not budging. In between her yelling for one of the cast members she says to me again "Move over or I am going to sit on you" I didn't say anything but I was thinking a whole bunch of things!!!
One of the cast members shows up and she scotches back out to the isle to talk to him about the seat she wants. There were a group of men in there early 30s sitting behind us and gave me the boost of confidence I needed. They said "Honey I wouldn't have moved either. She is trying to take the seat of a child, and is not being very nice about it." I told them "Thanks that I thought I was over reacting" and they said "no". I look to my left and now there are two cast members talking with this lady. At this point I start to feel bad for the workers but stand strong. I make eye contact with one of the guys and tell him "I am sorry but we are not moving". She is starting to yell now saying that she is being treated bad and that she can't see and how she has to be in the front. The cast member points out that our row isn't even the front row. They try to find another seat on the other side of the stadium but she says she is not sitting there and finally they have to escort her out of the stadium. All the sudden I hear clapping. Everyone in the theater is actually clapping that she is being escorted out. From the time she tried to take Carter's seat until they escorted her out was about 20 minutes. A long 20 minutes!
If it happened all over again I would have done the same thing. I think it was the fact that she came over demanding that seat and not being nice about it. It has probably worked for her in the past so she keeps on doing it. I didn't get a picture of all this and wish I would have, but I have the memory and that's all I need. Plus I think Joe's nose is scarred for life, he can probably still smell her. Though I do have some great photos of the Nemo show from our wonderful seats.

Coming up: What almost brings Bryson to tears? A Parade and the boys open their Christmas Eve prsent.
Wow! Talk about great seats, those photos are good! I'm so proud you told that woman NO! How dare she freakin demand you to move! Who says that, I guess your right she must get her way and I can't believe the entire stadium audience was clapping for her "big exit" Great job Dawn!!!!!
LOL...and I really did. I am reading this during Steven's math class and I can't stop laughing. Your reaction doesn't surpise me though:) Remember the olive incident at Farleys? I am really impressed with your pictures. What kind of camera do you have. I got a new one for christmas, a rebel. do you guys have plans to come down anytime?
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