Joe: Why did Carter come up to me and say "Girls have a gina and you have a wiener?"
(we pronounce it vagina just without the va sound)
Me: (Giggling) Because he asked me if I had a wiener and I told him no that girls have ginas and boys have wieners.
Joe: He's only two.
Me: I taught Bryson that when he was two.
Joe: Are you sure? I thought all he knew was wiener at that age.
Me: No Hun...
I think he is losing his memory faster than I am. Anyways Carter does sound like that little boy from the movie "Kindergarten Cop" Boys a penis, girls have a vagina!

They learn quick. You didn't know till you were 7. ;)
LOL! Emma came to me one morning after she got out of the shower with Steven and said dad has a really big tail:) I have no idea where she came up with that one. Right now we just call them our private areas. I couldn't stop laughing! The things they come up with.
Is sjt your sister?...If so, hello:)
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