Those are my new virtual friends and we are having a virtual party!! That's right a virtual party. It's actually my first and has been pretty fun so far. They are giving away prizes and there are so many blogs to read. This party is just for women. So if you are a woman and I know there are a few of you out there go on overHERE and check it out. The last time I checked it out there were 1183 party people signed up.
I am suppose to do a little intro so if you know me you can skip over this part.
I am a SAHM to two boys. I believe I will be the only girl in my house hold, well if you don't count the dog, and I am starting to come to terms with that. I guess it's for the best because I don't know if I could deal with a mini-me. My boys are 5 and 2. Though my little two year old is almost three, he is my Cinco de Mayo baby. He was born on 5-5-05 and that never gets old saying or typing out. Bryson is almost 5 and a half and can't wait to be six. We are an Air Force family and have moved quite a bit. This is our 7th house and 4th state in 5 years. Our family has lived in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and now North Carolina.
I really enjoy reading other blogs. I started blogging in August of 2007 and just recently picked up reading other blogs. I love being a mom and most of my posts are about my two boys. Speaking of, Bryson has his first T-ball practice of the season tomorrow. Yippie!!
I love a bargain and antiques. My weekends and a few weekdays are spent at thrift stores and flea markets. You can find the best stuff there, and usually me. I also love old photographs and taking my own.
Enough about me and now back to the party. I am suppose to list some prizes that I would love to win.
My top three:
- 24 — Blog Design
offered by Sweet n simple Design
-44 — Jump Start World 1st Grade
Offered by mom reviews
-67 — Blog Makeover
Offered by Shawna
Other prizes I would be just as happy with would be:
58, 59, 69, 78, 123, 140,
Go check out the party if you get a chance!
cant wait to read and get to know you better. I am loving your blog so far. Party on! Thanks to your family for your service to our country!!
It's so nice to meet you. I am an Air Force brat, and my dad retired in New Mexico. I lived there for 20 years before moving to California, after I married. My parents are still in New Mexico.
I know what it's like to be the only girl in the house! I have my husband, our 14 year old son, and I even babysit a BOY! I'm SO ready for a little girly girl here!
I'd love to have you come over to The Downtown Boutique blog and join our party. We're giving away NINE wonderful and fabulous prizes! (It's the second post down now).
Have a blessed day!
I enjoyed your blog. The music is terrific! Also, thank you to you and your family for your service to our great country. God bless you! Pelase visit my blog. Thanks.
Goodluck to Bryson tomorrow at practice! He's so athletic!! Oh and Jimmy did sing in the studio too, he sang Achy Breaky Heart! Only u and dad didn't sing. But good to know you can party like a rockstar on the GUITAR!! AWESOME!
Nice to meet you :) Thanks for visiting my blog! Glad to meet another Disney fan!
HOLA!!! nice to 'meet' you!! i am a fellow military family! my dh is currently in IRAQ since june and should be home in june, GOD WILLING! we live in texas!!
anyway, hope you will stop by and say HI at my little party!! take care...
I'm having such a BLAST with the party!
You did a GREAT party post!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! =) Come back anytime!!!
We are an AF family too! Fun reading your blog.
I stopped by to crash your party and I'm so glad I did. I think if we were to meet at a commissary or BX we'd be fast friends as we have allot in common! I've bookmarked your page and will stop in again for a visit!
Thank your husband for his service to our country. I'm so appreciative of our soldiers and their families! Hope you can swing by my party!
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