After eating some candy I spotted an egg on our new trampoline. I told Bryson that I think the easter bunny came to our house. They put their shoes and jackets on and they were off. The easter bunny left bunny tracks on our trampoline while leaving some eggs behind. They looked high and low until all the eggs were found.
That afternoon we had an Easter potluck. The idea came about last Sunday while cleaning house I asked Joe if the base was doing and easter egg hunt. He said that they were not, and I was shocked. They had one the previous year and it turned out really well. We have always done the base Easter egg hunt and this was the first year that the base was not having one. Anyway Sunday night was the night that my friend Staci came over and I asked her what she thought of the idea. She liked it and said she would come. The next day was St. Patrick's day and Staci's daughter Kate had her birthday. At the party I asked/invited everyone to attend and got some yes's and maybe's. My other friend Sarah said that she would help spread the word and get things together. Every family was to bring their own meat and then a side dish to share. I also wanted an easter egg hunt for the kids so each child hunting for eggs had to have 12 candy filled eggs. I believe their were 17 kids hunting for eggs, and 13 families all together. Everyone said they had a great time.
Carter and Kate before the egg hunt.
Some of the kids lined up at the start.
Those are a few pictures of some of my friends that came to the party. I realize that I didn't get a picture of everyone. Oops!
Where did you get those COOl Easter baskets from!! Let me guess... Hum... On line? If so you always find the coolest things!!
Actually my mother in law bought them for the kids last Easter. She got them from Pottery Barn. THis is their second Easter and they still look perfect. I know they will last a long time. I love them.
That looked like a blast. Wish we could've been there. Love the baskets too.
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