She called me a few weeks ago and told me she was having a conference in Charlotte three hours away and then going to Florida the following week with her family. She had the brilliant idea to come and see me in between. I thought it was a fabulous idea and that's exactly what she did.
She arrived on Wednesday July 23rd. That just so happened to be the day Joe officially became a CAPTAIN. How exciting!! So, of course we went to dinner to celebrate. Texas Roadhouse was good and we even got our awesome blossom for free. Thanks to a manager that had to listen to me gripe about our sitting arrangements. Stacey even threw in her two cents. We tag teamed the manager.
The following day we went to the Pope Regatta. It's where you are given cardboard and duck tape to make a boat.
Then you race the boats across the pool to see who wins. They also had a diving contest and a lot of the guys dressed up. This one was pretty funny.
Friday morning Stac died my hair. She did a wonderful job and better than my not so good beauty shop. We didn't do much on Saturday which was nice we stayed in and watched a bunch of movies. Sunday we washed clothes and then that afternoon we went golfing.
Monday morning we had to get up and head to the airport. It was sad seeing her go but so had so much fun for the time she was here.
Stacey I can't wait to see you at your place maybe around March? It will be nice and warm by then won't it?
Sound like yall had a blast!! Its nice seeing old friends. Rollie Pollie
March/April - sometime around then would be great! Weather should start to warm up - hopefully!! It was so great getting to see you and Joe and the boys - I can't believe they're getting so big!! Hopefully we can do this again before Bryson turns 10!!
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