
Friday, November 7, 2008

Bryson and Barack Obama

November Fourth: Election Day

The boys and I were headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. The school was having a family night there and part of the proceeds went back to the school. (Joe and I are both McCain supports just to make that clear. Though we are not really vocal about it and I haven't really talked much about the election with the boys.) So, we are driving on the way there when on the radio another commercial came on about Barack Obama.

Bryson: Did they just say Obama?
Mom: Yes
Bryson: Turn it up, I voted for him today.
Mom: What, you voted for him today?
Bryson: Yeah we had a vote in our class and I voted for Barack instead of McCain.
Carter: I like McCain.
Bryson: Well, I like Barack Obama.
Carter: I changed my mind I like Obama.
Carter and Bryson: Obama, Obama, Obama
Mom: Bryson you need to call your dad and tell him who you voted for.
Bryson" Talking to Joe on the phone telling him everything
Dad: I get on the phone with him and he tells me "That's to funny!"

November 5: The Oprah Winfrey Show

I have the tv going while picking up and Oprah is talking about the new President Elect.

Bryson comes running in and says "Are they talking about Barack Obama? Come on Carter we have to watch this."


Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! Bryson, Bryson, Bryson.. Maybe he just likes the dudes name cause it starts with a B too.

Dawn, we must brainwash, I mean "teach" them young.

your republican sis,
sjt :)

Anonymous said...

I guess he doesn't like Dad to get a pay raise each year

Lindsey said...

No Comment:)....but cute.