I love fall!!! The cool crisp breeze, the sound the leaves make as they are blown down the street, and the smell of smoke after the first chimney is lit. When October comes it brings fall festivals, pumpkin patches, and Oktoberfest. I don't remember going to these as a child but i love them now. We visited a pumpkin patch yesterday the name of it is West Produce. It is a small mom and pop type of farm. I found out about it through some other moms at Bryson's school.
Come to find out it is a family farm of one of our teachers. Their big fall festival was yesterday so we made our way down there. We all had a great time. They had a band, a petting farm, booths set up for food, face painting, a fire truck and a hay ride. Here are a few pictures of the day. You can click the pictures to make them bigger. We are planing on going to another pumpkin patch next weekend that has a few other things like a corn maze. We will try hard not to lose the boys. (wink)
Love the pics!!! Cool you have music with the wesite :) Too cool!!!! :) Miss ya guys
Excuse me... misspelled website.. The kids are in here and I'm typing and giving them cookies to keep them busy :)
So your writing starts out like I'm reading a novel! Your boys are handsome!!!
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