No, I am not pregnant Vicki!
We got a new car.

We have been looking for a new vehicle for awhile now. Joe really wanted an old beat up truck. He even went to look at one last week but it needed more work than Joe could have done at this time so the search continued.
Sunday Joe saw a Jeep Wrangler on craigslist and we drove up to see it. The guy had two jeeps for sale. We pulled into the drive way and there are four people checking out the jeeps. We were to late, the jeeps were sold! Joe was pretty sad, I wasn't heartbroken as the jeep we were looking at was white. I didn't want a white jeep. We came back home and I looked on Ebay for a jeep. I found one that was pretty nice. It had less than 2 hours left in the listing and nobody had bid on it yet. I emailed the guy and asked that if he didn't have a bid on it would he take less for it. He emailed me back and said that he would depending on when we could come up and get it.
So, yesterday we took off to go buy the jeep. It was in a town four hours away so it was a long day. We didn't leave until noon yesterday and I pulled into our driveway at 9pm. Joe is so excited and he says he feels so manly!
Without further ado here are some pictures of our new JEEP.

The Jeep already has a name courtesy of the boys. They call it Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang
I like it!! Did you get sell your rodeo?
OK, i luv that they call it Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang. That's definitely better than an old beater truck, right??
I wish I could get an old jeep like this... NICE..
I will swap you my old truck for this????
How's the new jeep!? You guys still lovin it??? Update! :)
sjt :)
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