All our friends were moving away, Pope AFB was preparing to be turned over to the Army. Sarah and I clung together. Both of our husbands were deployed so we hung out a lot. We would take turns cooking diner at each others houses and going out to eat. We would load up her carseats in my Tahoe and off we would go. Click HERE to read about one of our adventures.
My family and friends think I am talented and creative but I don't even make up a quarter of the creativity that Sarah has. Joe will always remember Sarah as the girl who got us started on recycling and how easy it really was. She went as far as to clean and disinfect her old recycling trash can and set it up in our house. Honestly it was that easy. All we do is put the recycling in that trash can instead of the other. Now we are doing our part, living here in Japan it is mandatory so we were already set up thanks to her.
She taught me how to quilt and I was able to make my sister a beautiful quilt for her wedding.
She is able to free hand henna. She also does henna on leather which is beautiful.
She made these out of corn husks, this is the kind of creativity I am talking about.

Joe was gone the whole time I was pregnant with Chase and the first three months of his life and Sarah was there by my side. She helped me more than she will ever know and I am horored to call her my friend. She is an amazing woman.
Like I said earlier her family is getting ready to move to England and will be living in Albuquerque for 6 months prior. Her husband has to do a bit of training before hand. Since she knew I was going to be in Albuquerque she decided to fly from North Carolina and visit Chasers and I. What an awesome friend right??!!

We went out to eat and shopped at the mall. She talked me into buying something from Fredricks of Hollywood ;) We had a good time visiting again. I can't wait until next time.
Click HERE to read a very funny post about Sarah's daughter when she was a baby and I watched her.
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